
Helm Cheat Sheet

Helpful Helm commands to reference as a cheat sheet

Repository Management

Command Description
helm repo list List Helm repositories
helm repo update Update list of Helm charts from repositories

Chart Management

Command Description
helm search List all installed charts
helm search <chart> Search for a chart
helm ls List all installed Helm charts
helm ls --deleted List all deleted Helm charts
helm ls --all List installed and deleted Helm charts
helm inspect values <repo>/<chart> Inspect the variables in a chart

Install/Delete Helm Charts

Command Description
helm install --name <name> <repo>/<chart> Install a Helm chart
helm install --name <name> --values <VALUES.YML> <repo>/<chart> Install a Helm chart and override variables
helm status <name> Show status of Helm chart being installed
helm delete --purge <name> Delete a Helm chart

Upgrading Helm Charts

Command Description
helm get values <name> Return the variables for a release
helm upgrade --values <file> <name> <repo>/<chart> Upgrade the chart or variables in a release
helm history <name> List release numbers
helm rollback <name> 1 Rollback to a previous release number

Creating Helm Charts

Command Description
helm create <name> Create a blank chart
helm lint <name> Lint the chart
helm package <name> Package the chart into foo.tgz
helm dependency update Install chart dependencies
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